Hey busy moms – let's have a quick chat about transforming your cozy living room into a brighter, more spacious haven! Why does making your sanctuary feel bigger matter? Well, when hosting playdates, movie nights, or simply surviving the never-ending snack requests, space becomes your best friend. I promise, … [Read More...]
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Children & Parenting

Social Experiment – Child Abduction!
When you talk with most parents about their worst fears you usually get the same response: death, abduction, sexual assault or some other horrific incident occurring to their beloved child. And when you ask most … Continue Reading

4 Tips For Your Next Parent-Teacher Conference
Teacher conferences can be stressful for everyone involved. Kids are often nervous for obvious reasons and parents are constantly worrying about their kids. In addition, teachers sometimes have to share and … Continue Reading

Is Free-Range Parenting Out of Control?
There has been an incredible movement throughout the country that has had parents debating the merits of how we raise our children. Is it best to just let them be? Parents are starting to give their children more … Continue Reading

7 Ways to Get Your Child Addicted to Learning
There’s something strange happening in schools. It’s something that, logically, should not be happening. The people who most love to learn (kids!) are losing interest in education. Parents are often baffled … Continue Reading

Is The World Really More Dangerous Than When We Were Kids?
This is a question I hear a lot and pretty much without fail the answer always seems to be a resounding YES. With the constant bombardment from the ever present media, the amber alerts on our phones and the scary … Continue Reading