I contemplated how I wanted to start this blog section for several days, mostly because I have so many ideas for what I want to write about and so many thoughts pulling me in different directions. In the end, I decided to start with a few basic principles.
First, these ideas aren’t original, new or developed from some groundbreaking social advancement. In fact, they are the exact opposite. They are simple, basic and often overlooked, which is why I feel they are so valuable. Once you are tuned in to your life, it should be relatively easy for you to make any change you want.
Second, the only thing preventing you from having the life you want is you. There are no external factors at play here. You can’t blame the government or taxes. You can’t blame your upbringing or education. You can’t blame anyone or anything other than yourself. You see, as soon as you do that, you become powerless. Your life is no longer yours, because you feel it is controlled by external forces.
However, once you accept responsibility for every action and every result in your life, then you become empowered. Now the world is in the palm of your hand because you can shape it any way you see fit. It is this simple change in your mindset that allows you to accomplish your greatest desires.
Accepting responsibility is the key to the lock of change!
So, let’s talk about change. You want your life to change. You want to lose weight or to make more money or to have a better relationship. You want these things because something inside you is telling you you’re not happy living the way you are currently.
So, the question becomes: “How can you change?” And the answer to that question is very simple: “One small step at a time”. You see change is not a life event. Just like getting rich is not a life event. Change is a process. It is a series of small steps preformed everyday that lead you to your goal.
It’s like climbing a mountain. You don’t just wake up one day and your at the top. However, with one small step at a time, you can climb any mountain. And I am here to tell you, you can make any change you want no matter how big or massive it may seem.
Speaking of goals, you need them. You need to define what they are and how you plan on reaching them. You need decide what your life will look like when you reach those goals. Only in doing that, will you actually obtain the results you desire.
To me, this is where most people fail and it is also the most critical step. It’s like saying “We are going to Africa”, without any more thought or planning! You may end up at Victoria Falls; you may end up in the Sahara desert.
How do you know how to get there, if you don’t know where you are going?
So, we talked about your mindset. We talked about change and we talked about goals. Now that we have covered the basics, let’s drill down into small changes that can have big results. Ready to get started? Me too! So, let’s go.