Let me first say, this was totally my fault and my husband is a good man.
However, there was something missing and I couldn’t put my finger on it, so I did the unthinkable. I cheated.
It had been going on for months. And in hindsight, I’m sure he saw all the signs; “Less intimacy, more time away from home, excessive and suspect cell phone usage and me generally pulling away.”
It had to be extremely hard on him. Hard to watch our marriage fall apart. Hard to suspect something, but not know for sure. Hard to eventually make a decision that may violate our trust. (Oh, the irony)
So, I don’t blame him for doing what he needed to do. And that was to: Find out the truth!
If I am being honest, I wanted to get caught and I am glad he did it.
When he had finally had enough he used a site called Bust-a-Cheater to see who I had been talking to and texting on my phone.
Maybe part of me was looking for attention. Maybe part of me was hoping that this would somehow fix our problems or help bring things to light. I don’t know.
What I do know is that the truth is now out there and we can all move forward.
As I sit here and write this story, I feel for all the wives who are in my shoes. I’ve been there, I know it’s tough. And I want to encourage you to be braver than I was. Talk to your man and let him know your feelings before you make the same mistake I did.
My heart also goes out to all the husbands. I’m sorry if it has come to this. And if you are feeling doubts or seeing warning signs, don’t ignore them. Your gut is telling you something for a reason.
Whether or not you use a site like Bust-a-Cheater is totally up to you, but keep in mind that maybe she actually wants you to find out. Maybe she didn’t have the guts (like me) to tell you herself.
And finally, to my husband, I am sorry.